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The Benefits Of Water-Efficient Fixtures And How To Choose Them

4 May

Plumbing fixtures come in all shapes and sizes, so choosing one that matches your home decor is fairly easy.

But the real challenge is choosing water-efficient plumbing fixtures that keep your daily water consumption in check and help you save water. Why bother?

Well, according to YourHome, people in Australia have a higher water usage than in other countries. An average Australian family of four uses more than 30,000 litres of water monthly.

And with water becoming an increasingly sparse resource worldwide, practising water conservation efforts should be the norm. One way to do this is by installing water-efficient fixtures in our homes and businesses.

So, let’s explore the benefits of water-saving fixtures and how to choose the best ones for your requirements.

Benefits Of Installing Water-Efficient Fixtures

Water Efficient Kitchen Tap

1. Water Conservation

The most obvious benefit of installing water-saving plumbing fixtures is water conservation. By using less water, you reduce the impact of your household on the environment.

2. Reduced Water Bill

Installing water-efficient fixtures can significantly lower your water bills. Since you use less water, you will pay lesser monthly water bills.

3. More Energy Savings

With lesser water usage, your water heater will also get a breather. And since you’ll use less energy to heat and transport the water, you’ll also get lower energy bills.

4. Boosts Property Value

Water-efficient fixtures are becoming increasingly popular among homebuyers looking for eco-friendly and energy-efficient homes. So, installing water-saving plumbing fixtures can increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

5. Better Indoor Air Quality 

Water-saving plumbing can reduce the moisture in your home, improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of mould growth.

Types Of Water-Efficient Fixtures

Nowadays, several water-saving, low-flow fixtures are available on the market. Here are some of the most common ones.

Eco Friendly Outdoor Plumbing

‌1. Low-Flow Shower Heads

In an average household, showering is deemed the third-largest source of indoor water consumption. So, it makes a lot of sense to invest in low-flow showerheads for each of your bathrooms at home. For optimum savings, consider switching to water-efficient, low-flow shower heads and limiting your bath time to three minutes.

2. Low-flow Toilets

Toilets are the primary culprits behind water waste. So, if your toilet was installed before 1994, it is most likely using more than the required amount of water in each flush.

That’s when we recommend switching to high-efficiency, low-flush toilets that use less than 4.9 litres of water per flush. Or, you could consider a dual-flush toilet with a full flush for solid waste and a half flush for liquid waste.

3. High-Efficiency Faucets

Older models of inefficient faucets can use up to 8.3 litres of water every minute, causing a significant increase in your water bill. To lower your water bill, install water-efficient faucets with a water-flow rate of 5.6 litres or less.

You can also install a flow restrictor or an aerator on your sink faucets to convert them into low-flow taps.

Choosing The Right Water-Efficient Fixtures

When choosing water-saving plumbing fixtures, you must consider the following factors:

Dual Flush Eco Toilet System

1. WELS Registration

Look for plumbing fixtures that are rated by the Australian government and contain the WELS registration number. This certification ensures that the fixture meets water efficiency and performance standards set by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) Act.

Water Rating Wels

2. Flow Rate

It would be best to look for low-flow fixtures as they will help you conserve water more efficiently.

3. Compatibility

Take into account the compatibility of the fixture with your plumbing system. Some fixtures may require additional installation or modifications to your plumbing.

4. Cost

Water-efficient plumbing fixtures can be more expensive than traditional fixtures, so consider your budget when choosing one.

5. Type Of Fixture

Check the fixtures you need, such as a showerhead, faucet, or toilet. Each type of fixture may have different water-efficiency options available.

6. Brand Reputation

Last, but not least, look for brands with a good reputation for quality and reliable customer service.

Installation And Maintenance‌ Of Water-Saving Fixtures

By now, you’ve already understood that installing water-efficient plumbing fixtures is the way to go if you want to reduce your water consumption and do your bit for the environment. So, here’s how you can get started:

Efficient Kitchen Taps

1. Choose Water-efficient Or Low-flow Fixtures

Start by selecting water-efficient fixtures like low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, and toilets. Also, ensure that the products you choose have the WELS label.

2. Shut Off The Water Supply

Before you start any installation or maintenance work, turn off the water supply to the fixture you’re working on. You can usually do this by turning off the valve located under the sink or toilet.

3. Install The High-efficiency Plumbing Fixtures

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the new fixture. Be sure to use the right tools and materials for the job. However, we highly recommend contacting a professional plumber for installation to avoid any accidents and damage to your property.

4. Check For Leaks

Once the fixture is installed, turn on the water supply and check for leaks. If you find any leaks, tighten the connections or replace damaged parts.

5. Maintain The Plumbing Fixture

Routine maintenance is essential for keeping your water-efficient plumbing fixtures working correctly. Clean the fixtures regularly to prevent mineral build-up, and replace any damaged parts promptly.

6. Monitor Your Water Consumption 

Keep track of your water usage to see how much water you save with your new fixtures. You can use your water bill or a water meter to monitor your usage.

Saving Water & Money: Choosing The Best Water-Efficient Fixtures

Investing in water-saving plumbing fixtures is beneficial for your budget and the greater good of the environment. It’s a win-win situation!

However, it is essential to choose the right plumbing fixture for your needs, and, as a responsible citizen, you should ensure that the plumbing system is maintained and inspected regularly. And that’s where Gold Coast Plumbing Company can help you out!

With our team of professional plumbers at your beck and call, we’ll help you choose and install efficient faucets, water-saving shower heads, and low-flow toilets. And if anything goes wrong, we’ll be there to fix it right away!