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8 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Burst Pipes

9 March

Our homes function smoothly with a proper pipe system, whether water or drain pipes.

However, changing weather, like torrential rain, cold weather, and summer heat, can make the pipe burst over time. Other factors, such as improper installation, careless use, and more, can also cause it to burst. Many of these are preventable if some measures are taken in advance to prepare against them.

So, this article will elaborate on some reasons and steps to reduce the risk of having burst pipes to help prevent this plumbing issue.

8 Simple Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Burst Pipes

Leaking Rusted Water Pipes

1. Insulate Pipes Properly

Having a burst pipe can be costly, as the water leaking can compromise the structural integrity of your home. As such, preventing them before they can cause such damage is essential. One way to do that would be to insulate your plumbing system properly when you install them.

As the weather changes from hot to cold, your pipes will shrink and expand, which can cause burst pipes later. Insulating them properly will prevent the pipes from changes in temperatures and reduce any risk of burst pipes. 

2. Check The Water Pressure

Broken Burst White Pipe From Pressure

Another common reason for burst pipes is incorrect water pressure. Your pipes can burst if the water pressure changes suddenly. A simple solution to that is installing a pressure gauge. Once installed, the gauge will provide a reading of the water pressure in your pipe.

Maintaining water pressure between 30 to 50 psi (pounds per square inch) is recommended. If the reading exceeds 60 psi, you must call a plumber to install a valve and reduce the pressure.

3. Check For Possible Rusting And Corrosion

Over time, pipes rust and corrode, especially if exposed to hard water. As corrosion and rust build-up, they will block your pipes, causing them to burst or be blocked. It is a problem that is not preventable but can be slowed down. Treating your water with chlorination is one way to prevent it from rusting and leading to corroded pipes.

Copper Pipe Burst At Joint

4. Prevent Soil Damage

Pipes that are buried outside the home for the garage or shed can burst as the ground shifts around it because of external factors. It can happen due to construction or landscaping work nearby. Natural causes like seismic activity can also change the ground position and cause damage.

Also, changing temperatures can cause the pipes to expand and contract leading to burst pipes. This is often caused if the pipes are not buried deep into the ground. Therefore, when installing them, it is important to bury your pipes properly to prevent them from soil damage.

5. Prevent Drain Clogs

Other than water pipes, your drainage pipes can also burst due to clogging. As debris collects in pipes, they will get clogged, causing water to back up and burst at weak areas. To prevent such problems, use a mesh drain cover over your sink, bathtubs, and showers to catch any waste. In addition, do not use your kitchen sink for garbage disposal and throw big bones and food waste, and include it as part of your regular cleaning process.

It is also recommended to pour hot water, baking soda and vinegar down your drain occasionally. Doing so will help clean your drain without causing any damage to its construction.

6. Hire A Reputed Plumbing Company

Often, the most common cause of burst pipes is the poor installation of pipes during the early stages of construction. If experienced plumbers do not install your pipes, their soldering can get loose and burst easily. Due to this, it is recommended to hire a good plumbing service during the construction of your home to avoid any future pipe burst issues.

7. Be Careful Of Pipe Damage

As human beings, we often make mistakes. We might step on exposed pipes as we do other work. We could also use these exposed pipes to hang things. All these must be avoided at all costs, as slight external pressure can cause the pipes to break. Also, when renovating parts of the house, one should check the pipe plans to avoid any damage to hidden pipes in the walls or floors.

8. Remove Nearby Tree Roots

Tree Roots Damaging Plumbing

Pipes outside the house can also be damaged by nature, like pressure from tree roots. As the trees around your house grow bigger, their roots will also expand. These roots can exert extreme pressure on your pipes, causing them to burst. So, any shrubs or trees growing too close to your pipes should be removed and shifted to prevent such issues.

Reducing Burst Pipe Risks

A burst pipe can ruin your day by filling your house with water. It creates an unhealthy mess, and cleaning it up is a drag. So, follow the above advice to prevent any risk of burst pipes.

However, it might be so that your pipes will burst despite all efforts to prevent it. The pipes might be too old to bear the flowing water pressure and get damaged. Additionally, to take up some of these preventive measures, you might require professional help. In such a case, it is best to call a professional plumbing service instead of fixing it yourself.

Need help with a burst pipe in the Gold Coast? Our plumbing experts at Gold Coast Plumbing Company have a team of emergency plumbers ready to solve your burst or broken pipes. So, give us a call today!